Paru dans Z - Inactif - Amherst News.
At her residence on Friday, December 25, 2015, Beatrice Mary (Mawdsley) Cove of Dorchester, Ont. in her 81st year. Beloved wife for 63 years to Edwin. Dear mother of Ted Cove (wife Cheryl) of Thamesford, Brenda Schrans of Dorchester and Bryan Cove (wife Rose) of London. Loving grandmother of Robert Zerdzicki (Sherry) of Amherst, Nova Scotia;...
Date de décès : 21/10/2013
Paru dans Clarenville Packet.
Peacefully at Parkwood Hospital, London, Ontario on Monday, October 21, 2013. Jessie (Sharp) (Chard) Fisher of Dorchester, Ontario (formerly of Newfoundland) in her 86th year. Left to mourn her passing is her husband Fred and predeceased by her first husband the late William Chard (1986). Dear mother of Sylvia Alcock (Eric) of Paradise,...
Lieu de naissance :
Walkerville, Ontario, Canada
Date de naissance : 28/11/1921
Date de décès : 13/06/2010
Paru dans Moncton Times & Transcript.
Norman Macklem of Dorchester, ON, was called from his earthly dwelling to his Heavenly Home to be with his Saviour and Lord on June 13, 2010. Born in Walkerville, ON, on November 28, 1921, he was the son of the late Norman and Elizabeth Macklem. Norm's management career with Chrysler Canada Ltd. took him and his family from Windsor to...
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