Louis Tremblay
Passed in: Ormstown, Quebec, Canada
Passed on: January 21st, 2017
1928 – 2017
Passed away peacefully in Ormstown on Jan. 21, 2017 at the age of 88 years, husband of the late Pauline Huot; survived by his sister Eva (Clayton), his brothers Freddy and Victor (Josée) as well as his nieces and nephews, other relatives and friends. Resting at the McGerrigle Funeral Home Inc., 70 Lambton, Ormstown, QC. J0S 1K0. Visitation on Friday February 10, 2017 from 2 -5 and 7-10pm and Saturday February 11, 2017 as of 10am followed by the funeral service at St. Malachie Church, Ormstown at 11am. In lieu of flowers donations to the CHO, 65 rue Hector, Ormstown, QC. J0S 1K0 would be appreciated.