Muriel Fairbarns (Roddis)
Lieu de naissance : Plymouth, Grande Bretagne
Date de naissance : 25 novembre 1921
Lieu de décès : Victoria, Colombie Britannique, Canada
Date de décès : 17 décembre 2018
Muriel Fairbarns (Roddis)
Muriel died peacefully, aged 97. Born Muriel Chard in Plymouth England; married in 1940 to Sub-Lt John Roddis; emigrated in 1967 to St John’s, moving to Nova Scotia in 1983, then to BC in 1989. After John’s death in 1997, she married David Fairbarns. Mother of Hugh and Linda, with seven grandchildren and 13 great-grandchildren. Remembered in the Maritimes both as an instructor at the College of Trades and Technology in St John's and as an enthusiastic worker in amateur drama. An interment ceremony will be held at Royal Oak Burial Park on Friday, December 28th at 11 am.