Paul Vogel
Lieu de naissance : Canada
Date de naissance : 3 février 1962
Lieu de décès : Squamish, Colombie Britannique, Canada
Date de décès : 28 novembre 2011
Paul Vogel
February 3rd, 1962 – November 28th, 2011
Paul Martin Vogel passed away peacefully on Monday, November 28th at Squamish General Hospital. He will be greatly missed by his housemates and friends.
Paul moved to Squamish in 1990 and had since shared his charming and fun-loving nature with countless friends. He enjoyed a full life, experiencing a variety of jobs, including in his younger years, work at the I.G.A. and his own recycling and bottle pick up service.
Paul will be remembered for his tenacity, his ability to make people laugh, his enjoyment of wind rushing through his hair and his absolute love of Christmas, good music and a juicy cheeseburger.
A Celebration of Paul’s Life will be held at Newport House, 37948 Third Avenue, on Tuesday, December 6th , 2011, from 1-4pm. Please come and be with those who cared for Paul.