H.Mundon Crummey
Lieu de décès : Placentia, Terre-Neuve, Canada
Date de décès : 18 août 2016
Passed peacefully away at the Lion's Manor, Placentia on Thursday, August 18, 2016, H. Mundon Crummey of Western Bay, age 82 years. Predeceased by parents: Jeremiah and Nellie; brother: Oscar; sisters: Delephine, Elizabeth, Muriel, and Shirley. Left to mourn, two sons: Jerry, St. John’s and Floyd, Western Bay; four grandchildren: Matthew, Katelyn, Cory and Evan; many family members in Ontario; close personal friend: Florence Butler, Butlerville; also a number of other relatives and friends. Rested at Noel's Funeral Home, Main Highway, Western Bay. Rev. Glenn Jarvis conducted the funeral service on Sunday, August 21 from Noel's Memorial Chapel, Western Bay. Interment took place in the United Cemetery, Western Bay North. Donations in his memory may be made to the Canadian Cancer Society, Newfoundland & Labrador Division, 70 Ropewalk Lane, P.O. Box 8921, St. John’s, NL, A1B 3R9. To donate online visit cancer.ca Please visit noelsfuneralhome.com to sign the memorial guest book.